Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Keluarga 'Bali Nine' Menangis Mohon Eksekusi Mati DiBatalkan

Tolak Eksekusi Mati Mary Jane, Pemuda Kupang Menyalakan 1.000 Lilin


There was an outpouring of grief and anger on social media after the executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

Amid the posts supporting the families and attacking the Indonesian Government was an occasional post saying the pair knew the risk and deserved the outcome.

The amount of posts carrying #Bali9 increased markedly as the time of the executions drew near.

Steve Ciobo, Parliamentary Secretary to the Foreign Minister, was the first politician to react, criticising the use of the death penalty.

the Australian Government will have no choice but to respond with some force.

The Government has repeatedly said it is focused on saving the two men rather than recriminations, but there is a growing sense that Indonesia has behaved appallingly in its treatment of both the men and its relationship with Australia.

One longtime foreign hand told the ABC the Widodo government had been "crass, crude and objectionable", and that this now demanded a stern response.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has already signalled such a response.

"If these executions go ahead, and I hope they don't, we will certainly be finding ways to make our displeasure felt," Mr Abbott said in February.

So how might it react in the immediate aftermath?

The first, vital thing will be to secure the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra and its consulates in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin.

While attacks on foreign embassies in Australia are uncommon, they are not without precedent.

On June 17, 1995 the French consulate in Perth was fire-bombed as tensions ran high over France's decision to resume nuclear testing on Moruroa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

In 1992, a group of dissidents attacked the Iranian Embassy and in 2012 a similar attack saw Syria's embassy trashed.

Then the Government will turn its thoughts to a list of options.That list is likely to include:

* Withdrawing the ambassador (something Australia has never done in response to an execution);

* Cutting the $600 million in aid Australia will give Indonesia this year;

* Pulling out of the annual leaders' meeting;

* Pulling out of the regular two-plus-two gatherings of defence and foreign ministers;

* Suspending other ministerial contact;

* Suspending any meetings that involve departmental secretaries and deputy secretaries;

* Suspending the myriad routine meetings of officials on issues such as defence, law and education;

* Refusing to offer support to Indonesia for things it wants in international forums;

* Not sending a high-ranking officer to mark the retirement of the head of the Indonesian Armed Forces, General Moeldoko, in July

Rest in peace Andrew and Myuran. You turned yourselves around and made us so proud. Keep singing and painting up there fellas! We'll be looking up to you in every way. RIP Andrew and Myruan the Pastor and The Painter ...Nothing gained but much lost ..
KUPANG, KOMPAS.com - Puluhan pemuda di kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), yang menamakan diri Komunitas Sant’Egidio Kupang, menyalakan 1.000 lilin sebagai bentuk aksi menolak hukuman mati terhadap terpidana mati asal Filipina, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso.

Aksi yang digelar di jalan El Tari atau tepatnya di depan Rumah Jabatan Gubernur NTT tersebut berlangsung selama lebih dari satu jam. Dalam aksinya, para pemuda menggelar orasi, puisi, lagu serta yel-yel.

Koordinator aksi, Cristovorus Kurniawan Wawo, kepada sejumlah wartawan, Selasa (28/4/2015) malam, mengatakan, tujuan aksi 1.000 lilin ini sebagai sebuah pesan kepada banyak orang, khususnya pemerintah, bahwa tidak pernah ada keadilan yang akan didapatkan dengan menghukum mati seseorang.

“Dengan seribu lilin ini, kami mau katakan kepada semua orang bahwa usaha untuk menjaga kehidupan itu harus tetap bertahan seperti cahaya lilin. Kebanyakan hukuman mati ini hanya menjangkau orang miskin saja. Dengan alasan apapun mengambil kehidupan (nyawa) manusia itu tidak dibenarkan,” kata Wawo.

Menurut Wawo, hukuman mati terhadap warga negara asing akan menimbulkan dendam antar negara. Negara lain yang warganya menjadi korban hukuman mati akan membalas dendam terhadap Indonesia.

“Kami percaya bahwa hukuman yang paling baik dan paling adil itu adalah tetap memelihara kehidupan, karena tidak ada solusi dengan membunuh orang. Kami berharap gerakan-gerakan seperti ini di kota kupang dan dimana saja, akan menghantarkan inisiatif-inisiatif kecil maupun besar kepada mereka yang akan mengambil keputusan, tidak pada hari ini, tetapi pada hari-hari yang akan datang,” harap Wawo.

Karena itu, kata Wawo, pihaknya berharap, pemerintah jangan hanya menjalankan roda pemerintahan saja, tetapi juga harus memelihara kehidupan umat manusia yang ada di dalamnya.

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